Have you ever walked by a local business and thought I wonder what they are all about or what they sell? With so many businesses located in Lansdowne, the LBPA decided to put the spotlight on a member each month so if you’re in need of a product or service, you’ll know who does what and where to go.
We recently talked with Theresa Pettaway from The Pettaway Pursuit Foundation located at 11 Owen Avenue in Lansdowne. Learn about this vital community resource by reading our interview at shoplansdowne.com and remember to shop our businesses here in Lansdowne. When you support small businesses, you give back to the community.
Tell us a little about your business.
The Pettaway Pursuit Foundation (PPF) is a non-profit, educational, community-based organization operating since 1999. Our mission is to improve pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and NICU experiences along with achieving healthier newborn outcomes and empowering new mothers and providing education on proper infant care. Our mantra is to build a stronger community and bridge the gap between medical providers and the community.
PPF’s main program is the Doula By My Side (DBMS) Program that provides in-home (currently virtual) doula services to five counties in Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery. The DBMS program offers non-medical, emotional, physical and informational support to reach our mission and combat maternal and infant mortality and morbidity. Doulas improve birth outcomes by preventing preterm births through education and intervention, reducing pregnancy-related complications, decreasing smoking, improving breastfeeding rates while simultaneously lowering the rates of postpartum depression. PPF doulas support families at the point of referral, which is generally prenatal, attend the labor as birth coaches and again continue support when families bring home their new babies for up to two months. Families who have made the decision to breastfeed and are having challenges can also receive support from one of PPF’s Certified Lactation Counselors. This service includes 3 visits and can be extended if deemed necessary.
Our second program is our Pal for Parents Program which is designed to offer continuity of care for the community of families who may or may not qualify for our doula program. Pal was established to assist these families with alleviating the stress that often accompanies bringing home a new baby or adding an addition to the family. This program offers FREE in-person (currently virtual) classes, groups, and workshops, some of which are Basic & Prenatal Yoga, Mommy & Baby Yoga, Breastfeeding Group (Lactation Station), Mommy to Mommy Support Group, Daddy Support Group, Safe Sleep, Childbirth Education, NICU Support, Newborn Care, Childbirth Education, and Time and Money Management. PPF is also a Human Milk Bank depot and provides Child Passenger Safety checks for families.
As an extension to our Pal Program, we created an initiative called PPF Treasure Chest. It is a garden shed transformed into a Mommy, Baby, and Daddy Boutique which provides maternity, newborn care, and special items for dads and families in exchange for their attendance at our Pal classes. This exchange allows us to continue our overall goal of equipping new families with the resources and education needed.
How are things going in the time of COVID-19?
Amidst COVID-19, PPF is thriving. We strategically moved all our in-person services to virtual. Our Doula By My Side Program, Doulas and Certified Lactation Counselors served our moms virtually. Our Pal for Parents Program classes are now virtual. It is a challenge not having physical contact with the community, but PPF makes it work for the safety of its staff, its independent contractors, its members, and the community.
Moreover, with the pandemic, PPF recognized that the need of the community increased. That is why PPF partnered with Nutritional Development Services to serve Emergency-Meals for families with school-aged children. Also, to aid the family’s basic needs, we are hosting a monthly diaper drive where we give away a pack of diapers, formulas, and personal care products.
What made you choose your current location?
I choose Lansdowne as the location for Pettaway Pursuit Foundation because of its welcoming community. It is a community that supports and works together for betterment.
Do you have any special events, sales or promotions coming up?
PPF has FREE monthly virtual maternal and parenting classes for all community members.
Also, PPF will resume the NDS-Emergency Meals on September 21st, 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or until meals last. We’ll be serving these meals every Monday only to the families with school aged children. Each child gets a box of meals – 5 breakfasts, 5 lunches, and 8 oz. of milk.
PPF is looking for philanthropic support from the community. We need diapers, new baby and maternal items, and monetary donations to help us serve the community, especially the low-income and minority population. Visit pettawaypursuitfoundation.org for ways to support our organization.
You can now find and shop black/minority-owned businesses when you visit shoplansdowne.com.
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